Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Season Six, Episode 7

So, tonight's episode just made me believe even more in my yin/yang theory. On the other side, everyone's life seems to be better. I mean Sawyer, who was such a lost cause before, is now a cop. Does it get any more obvious than that? The island is that thin line between yin and yang. That's my theory and I'm sticking with it.

And we have Miles, who has a dad who is a scientist. That didn't change. Good to know.
And look who didn't die: Charlotte. Now when are we going to get Farraday?

But what most blew my mind about tonight's episode were the books on Sawyer's table. First, we had Watership Down. I looked it up and it's a book about rabbits who start their own Utopian society of sorts. OK, we've seen that. And we've seen rabbits from the planted Dharma videos on Youtube.

Next was A Wrinkle in Time. I never read this book when I was a kid, so I googled it. And look what I found. It's like the whole freaking plot of LOST. They even have a smoke monster. Start with the fourth paragraph and just keep going. NUTS!


And then, Lancelot, which is a book about a lawyer who wakes up in a mental institution with memories he can't fully remember (Jack and his appendix scar). He finds out his daughter isn't really his daughter in his new life. Lancelot then tries to go back and reverse the past with revenge fueling his quest. Kinda sounds like a mix between Hurley, Claire and Sawyer all rolled into one character.

These books make me feel like a lot of my assumptions are on par. And they confirm a lot of things we've seen. Man, now I feel like I should go back and look up all the books since the show started. But I won't.

As for fake Locke, which we are now calling Flocke, he has some super mind control over his followers. And he has something up his sleeve with regards to Kate. He is trying to win her over. What does he need her for? Will he pick Kate as his replacement. And will she have to square off against Jack in the end? That could be interesting.

As for Whidmore, we all knew he was coming. We saw it last episode and he had a whole week to get there. And while it has always seemed that he and Ben were on separate sides, I'm now starting to think he and Ben are playing for the same team, both against whatever it is Un-Locke stands for.

Until next week when we get the cheese, allegedly, on Richard. Whoo hoo!

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