OK, so I've got a whole new theory based on tonight's show. Asian pirate guy, Dogen, says something to the effect that everyone has scales in their lives and one side is good and one is evil. Yin and yang, if you will. Now, what if our Lostees lives pre-island are the yin, the dark side? And what if this parallel universe of LA X is the yang, the light? Because, it seems life in LA X is, for the most part, better for everyone in it. And what if, in this theory, it's the island that determines where you fall on this scale? The decisions you make on the island determine if you lean to the good or the bad. And it's Jacob's intervening and Easu's coniving that nudge you in the direction you'll untimately go, which I guess goes back to my theory of free will. I think Dogen's story about his son supports the theory. In his pre-island life, he killed his son by drunk driving. In his LA X life, he is a loving father with his son at an audition. It was Jacob who nudged him to the island where he decided to sacrifice his former life so his son could live (tipping the scale for the good). And this isn't the first time we've seen someone sacrifice their former life for a greater good. Juliet came to the island to ultimately find a cure for her sister. And now we see that Easu is pushing Sayid so that he will tilt the scale toward evil in order to save Nadia. The decision he makes further tilts his scale for evil: more killing. And how about the bounty hunter? What he chose on the island, to kill Ben's daughter, causes him to further tilt in the direction of evil and he untimately dies in both scenarios. And why is Jin in the freezer? He must still be hooked up with Sun's dad doing the dirty work, getting involved with all sorts of shady people. What decisions has he made on the island? He's still just a messenger. And he is a messenger in both of his lives, doing what he is told.
So, if that's the case, what about Claire? Claire is drawing people out of the temple. She is hooked up completly with Unlock (Easu). What is going to happen to her LA X life? Thus far, we know she is about to have Aaron. But that's all we know, that and Kate totally screwed up by telling her she took Aaron. Look for Claire to try and whack her with the axe, too. But you can't kill Kate, she the lead female character.
Speaking of sharp objects, this whole knife thing with Sayid killing UnLocke, wow. You just can't stop that guy. And Dogen tells him, now that Jacob is dead, Easu is free. And there doesn't seem to be a lot anyone can do about it. And now we've lost Sayid to the darkness, thanks to Easu. He's just pure evil. The look on his face coming out of the temple says it all. Now that Dogen is dead, there is no stopping the darkness from getting into the temple. What, exactly, was his job that he agreed upon with Jacob? Do you also get the feeling that Sayid is now the keeper of the temple?
Ironic that Sayid kills Dogen the same way he killed him? That seems to be another example of karma. And that's a theme that's also been running throughout LOST. And while we are on the topic of death, there was another purge on the island tonight. This is the second one we've seen. First, it was Ben killing all of Dharma. Now we have Sayid leading all of the Others to their deaths. We keep getting instances of history repeating itself. I pointed that out last week, too. Rousseau died and we got a new Rousseau, Claire. Ironically, the two responsible for the purges, Sayid and Ben, meet up in the temple and Ben urges Sayid to get out, but Sayid tells him there is no more time left for him. Also ironic, this is where both of them were brought back to life, here at these waters. Back when Ben was a kid and Sayid killed him, he was brought here to the temple and healed. And we saw Sayid literally come back from the dead here. And like the sands running through the hourglass, Sayid feels his time has, again, run out.
I have a feeling if Kate doesn't get out of the grips of UnLocke and his followers, her time might appear like it is running out, too (even though we all know she won't die). But it's going to be through her that we find out what this group is up to, and she will be able to report it to the good guys, who, at this point are Hurley and Jack. Speaking of which, does anyone else think Jacob sent them to the lighthouse just to get them out of the temple so they wouldn't be a part of Easu's massacre?
Alanna seems to be taking on a leadership role. She's been completely clued in thanks to a visit from Jacob in her past. But where will she lead us? We only have 11 episodes left to find out.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
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