Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Season Six, Episode 2

What? LOST, you have 14 episodes left. Let's start wrapping stuff up guys, I mean come on. This isn't season two where you can just wait until the last three minutes of the episode to make something happen. But that's exactly what LOST did. And now we know Claire is still alive. Although, our dear sweet Claire has been "taken" and now has a heart of darkness (I hated that book in high school, but Black Rock kind of reminds me of that ... anyway). We also have Sayid with a heart of darkness, and I'm guessing Locke (Easu) with one, too. And while we're at it, I'm guess Christian has one also.

It's no secret the island is all about good vs. evil, but what I want to know is, why did Jacob, whom we've all decided is "good," send Sayid to the temple? Did he mean to inhabit him and just not get there fast enough? Or (and I don't want to believe this theory) is Jacob evil? You never know with LOST. You never know when they are going to flip it. So are temple people good or evil? In our Lostees eyes, they seem a little evil, trying to kill Sayid with a pill, poking him with a hot stick, shocking him. But I think in the grand scheme of things, the temple people are going to be the good guys. And I think they are the ones who took Walt to test him as well. And then freed him. But what do the tests mean? We've got a history of tests going here. We have this one on Sayid, we have the one done to Locke the kid and we have the ones done to Walt, of which we know nothing about. BUT WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? Do we have a lot of lost souls floating around here looking for people to inhabit? I just keep reassuring myself that this is not purgatory. We've been told that time and time again.

Apparently Aaron is still very much a part of the big picture. When Claire tried to give him away, she went into labor. When she tried to delay the delivery, his heartbeat struggled. Oh, and hello, Ethan. Apparently it's Ethan's destiny to try and get this baby out of Claire. But doing so on the island ended up killing him. So, why isn't Ethan on the island? Because in LA X-land, the island doesn't exist. It's on the bottom of the ocean. No island, no Dharma. And like Ethan, who is destined to interact with preggo Claire, we have Kate who seems will also be a part of Aaron's life no matter what. Now if that theory holds true and there is no island and no Dharma, where or where is Ben?

For my closing thought tonight, in last week's episode Jack and Locke were chatting at the airport. Locke told Jack, you didn't lose your dad, you just lost his body (something to that effect). I'm really thinking that's the bigger picture here. Maybe your body is back at LA X, but your soul is on the island. And with all this body inhabiting-heart-of-darkness stuff, maybe that's where your soul stays.

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