Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Season Six, Episode 3

And there you have it, our Lostees are the number. But what does it mean, man? What does it mean? Our Lostees are the numbers, Jacob has assigned them these numbers and he has also altered their lives in some way to push them toward the island. And that's about where I stop believing anything Easu says. I think everything else he fed Sawyer was a big old load of crap. I don't think what Locke tells Richard about our Lostees being candidates is true. I don't think Jacob picked them to be the next Jacob. I don't think he picked them to take over the island. I don't think he picked them for anything other than "the progress" he was talking about in the last episode of last season. Elana says Easu is recruiting. For a team of evil? For a new body to take over? For a replacement for himself so he can leave the island? If that's the case, we've seen that before with the hatch. They were always waiting for their replacements to come. It would be fitting for Sawyer to be the replacement, as he was always the outsider. He was always the darker one in the Jack vs. Sawyer plot. He was the one who looted the plane and told Jack that he was thinking like he was stranded while Jack was the one who was still thinking like the civilized. Jack seems to have an in with the Temple People. Sawyer seems to be in Easu's pocket. Do we have a new good vs. evil in the works? Hummm, maybe he wasn't lying about Jacob picking them as candidates.

Now let's get to the symbolism. The black and white rocks (good vs. evil) on the scale make me think of yin and yang. There was a balance between good and evil while Jacob was in control. And now the evil is winning. There is no balance, no harmony. Furthermore, I think Peggy Bundy's (Locke's lady) shirt said a lot about the season as a whole: Peace and Karma. I think that is what the island is looking for, the basis of the show, but now that the scales are tipped, the darkness is taking over.

And who is this kid? And why is it Sawyer can see him but Richard can't? This kid looks an awful lot like Jacob. But why is he bleeding? And why is he also dressed like he came from Black Rock? He tells Easu, "You know the rules, you can't kill him." If he says "him," he can't obviously be Jacob. I think the producers want us to think the him he is talking about Sawyer because that's who is with him at the time, but we have to focus on the big picture. And the big picture is Jacob. If Easu broke the rules, what is going to happen to the island? Is this why the island is at the bottom of the ocean? Because Easu broke the rules? Furthemore, the kid provoked new Locke (Easu) to use Locke mentality, causing him to scream, "Don't tell me what I can't do."

In alternative reality-land, Locke's life is peachy keen. But why? What caused his woman not to leave him? When the smoke monster judged Locke, did it alter his alternative reality for the better? Both Locke and Hurley have emerged as stronger people. Rose, on the other hand, still has cancer. Why do some re-emerge as triumphant while others suffer the same as before? Because Rose was at peace with being stranded on the island, did it also cause her to be at peace with her life off the island? Because Locke emerged as strong and confident on the island, has he taken that back to alternative reality? This entire paragraph is full of questions because we still have no answers. However, I feel we are—finally, after three episodes, making some progress.

And what has happened to our all-powerful Richard? Before this season, he seemed so in control. Now, he is nothing more than prey for new Locke. Clearly, the balance of power has shifted.

The episode is called The Substitute. Locke becomes a substitute teacher. Locke has become the substitute form for Easu. Is Sawyer going to sub for him in his place on the island?

Lastly, anyone else notice how everything in this episode is purple? Purple clothes for everyone. What is that all about? And that's what I have to digest for this week.

Oh, one more thing: Thanks to Cort for this mind-blowing little link. Apparently, LOST isn't an original idea for the current team:


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